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Sweet Tooth, anyone? Chocolate Festival of Belize 2019

Chocolate aficionados’ favorite time of the year has come: the annual Chocolate Festival of Belize! The agenda of this lively event, coupled with the beatific scenery of Southern Belize, is the mold for an extravagant Commonwealth Weekend. The festival takes place in Punta Gorda located in the Toledo District, a sleepy fishing village pulsing with Maya culture and positive energies.

This three-day festival attracts Belizeans from all over the country, as well as visitors from around the world. The festival kicks off Friday night with a Wine and Chocolate Gala, as dreamy as it sounds. Held at Garbutt’s Marine, this outdoor event will have an array of appetizers from local restaurants, an array of wines and other delicious goods. Of course, no Belize fest would be complete without our local talent – Belizean Artists and band will be present to help you have a good time as you sip on your wine and enjoy the ambience. There will be chocolate-y goods (it is a Chocolate Fest after all) and door prizes with fun entertainment.

Saturday is when your sweet tooth will be put to the test. Can you handle chocolate drinks? Chocolate bars? There will even be chocolate soaps! (ahem, though we advise against consumption). Families will have a blast as they make their way from booth to booth, admiring local art and stage competitions. Ever wanted to learn how this God-send cacao goodness is made? Well, you can do that, too! There will be a chocolate demonstration so you know exactly the magical – and fun – process that does into making that sweet goodness.

One of the more special – and sacred – parts of the festival is the mysterious Deer Dance. This will take place at the nearby Maya site of Nim Li Punit, and the cultural dance is one of the most anticipated dances in Belize. Not many have the chance to witness and those who do treasure the memory way after they go back home.

If this festival sounds like something up your alley – who can resist chocolate? ­– make sure you head south to PG town this weekend. Here at the details you need to know:

Friday, May 24: 7 p.m. – Midnight Wine & Chocolate Gala

                                                            $60 BZD per person

Saturday, May 25: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Taste of Toledo Street Fair


For more information on events in Belize, feel free to email us at or call us toll-free at 1-800-624-0686.

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