Shipstern Nature Reserve

Located in Corozal District, Shipstern Nature Reserve is a 31-square-mile tropical rainforest, with more than 300 different species of birds awaiting your discovery. With 13 species of egrets, American coots, keel-billed toucans, fly-catchers, warblers and several species of parrots, it’s safe to say that if you can’t find the bird you’re looking for, you may not be looking hard enough.

Originally a self-sustaining business devoted to the exportation of butterflies, this 22,000-acre reserve protects a wide array of habitats, from wetlands and lagoons to wet and dry tropical forests. Shipstern is home to all five cat species found in Belize, the endangered Baird’s Tapir, some 300 species of birds, including wood stork nesting sites, and a myriad of other plant and animal species.

The reserve boasts a one-of-a-kind observation tower that stands approximately 40 feet above the forest canopy, providing visitors with an excellent view of the Corozal Bay, the Forest Canopy and the Shipstern Lagoon.

If birds aren’t all you want to see, no worries, Shipstern has plenty of pumas, jaguars and raccoons to observe. Plus, there’s a butterfly farm at the visitor’s center. Most find this little farm quite intriguing. There’s also a Mahogany museum and botanical trail for your exploration. It’s safe to say that if you like nature, you’ll love Shipstern Nature Reserve.