Gallon Jug Estate

Deep in the jungles of Northwest Belize lies an incredibly wildlife-rich ecosystem home to the Gallon Jug Estate. At the end of a 2.5-hour drive from Belize City, you’ll be greeted by the sign welcoming you to the 35,000-acre farm.

Gallon Jug Estate, owned by Belize’s Bowen&Bowen Ltd., is an impressionable diverse site chock-full of jaguars, hundreds of species of birds and even an undocumented Maya archaeological site. The farm itself is a vast blanket of greenery, nature and the occasional strolling oscillated turkey. Arriving at the property, you’ll be transported into a nature bubble that makes you forget about the buzz of the outside world. Here, you’ll learn how the famous Gallon Jug Estate sauces are made from scratch, how to harvest coffee beans for delicious roasted coffee and how to kick back and let go of your worldly worries.

Travel Belize

Photo courtesy of Chan Chich Lodge